Courses and Classes

If you love taking photos but sometimes feel the camera has too many buttons, we can help.
We will be discussing what you need to know to dramatically improve your photography and what next steps may be appropriate for you. Come and see how much fun learning about your camera can be. A sense of humor is recommended.

FREE Intro to Digital Photography

 Course C1MAIDP - Intro to Digital Photography


Register now

Saturday, 10 am

Next class:



Amherst, NH

To reserve your seat in this class, please register now.

This class is for you if:

• You love taking pictures, but sometimes the camera gets in the way..

• Some of your pictures turn out really nice and others don’t, and you'd like to get more good ones.

• You read the instructions that came with the camera and found them more confusing than helpful.

• You love photography and would like to have more fun pursuing it.

• You have photographed a lot in the past and were used to using film, but now want to transition to a digital camera.


What you will learn:

We'll look at what you can do to take better pictures

We'll look at the shutter, aperture, and ISO; and what they are for..

We'll talk about lenses, and how they differ.

We will look at the 5 most common mistakes people make when they take a picture and how you can avoid them.

... and much more!


Class location:

Our state-of-the-art classroom and studio at 13 Columbia Dr., Unit 3 in Amherst, NH. Come check out our facility and learn about your camera at the same time!


What to do next:

If you would like to sign up, you can do so right here on this page. All you need to do is fill out the form below with your name and contact info. While the course is free, we do need you to register so that we can get an accurate headcount. If you don't register, we may still have a seat for you, but we cannot guarantee it.

Once you sign up, you'll receive an email saying thank you, telling you where to find us and what to expect next. We are answering your registration by hand. So, if we don't get to it right away, please be a little patient with us. If you don't see our response within 72 hours, please check your spam box. If you didn't receive a response gently bump us.

A word about seating:

We try to be the good guys - and believe me, we are - but sometimes we get overwhelmed. Especially when we offer free classes. We ask everyone to let us know if they are unable to attend a class. Most do, and for that we are grateful. But some do not. So, we always seem to find ourselves with open seats and a waiting list with people on it who would have loved to join us.

That's why we send emails asking you to confirm your interest and availability when the class is scheduled. (Sometimes more than once, and, for that, we apologize in advance.) On occasion, the class may be overbooked. In that circumstance, we'll run a second session the same day from 12PM to 2PM, and you may be asked to attend the later session rather than the earlier one.

That being said, we do our best not to overbook and to be very sure to confirm each seat that's been spoken for. However, so far, there always have been some open seats in this class. If you don't mind taking the risk of showing up on the morning of the class to see if we had some no-shows, that is up to you. There may not be a seat available. But if there is space, we'll gladly let you in.

If you plan on attending the class - or even if you don't, for that matter - you're welcome to download our Introduction to Digital Photography booklet by clicking here. It's packed with information we hope you will find it handy to have to refer back to.


When you sign up we'll send you an email to confirm. If you do not hear from us within 48 hours, please call us. If the class is canceled for any reason, you will be notified via email. From time to time, we videotape our classes, so it is possible that you will be recorded while studying with us.
Warning: On rare occasions we do run out of chocolate chip cookies.

Based on availability, your registration reserves your seat in the next Intro to Digital Photography class in our Amherst, NH location. If you have your camera already, bring it and the instruction booklet that came with it. If you don't, just bring an open mind and your sense of humor.


for a limited time

Sign me up and save me a seat
